Wednesday, October 4, 2023


On this day in 1535, the first complete English-language Bible – known as the Coverdale Bible – is printed, with translations by William Tyndale and Miles Coverdale. Why isn't it known as the Tyndale-Coverdale Bible? Because life is brutally unfair, ladies and gentlemen. Even when it comes to doling out Bible credits.


On this day in 1824, Mexico adopts a new constitution and becomes a federal republic.


On this day in 1883, the Orient Express takes its first run.


On this day in 1927, sculptor Gutzon Borglum begins sculpting Mount Rushmore.


On this day in 1940, a meeting takes place between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini at the Brenner Pass.


On this day in 1941, Norman Rockwell's Willie Gillis character debuts on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post.


On this day in the year 1955, the fascist megalomaniac leader of the Unification Church, "Reverend" Sun Young Moon, is freed from prison in Seoul, South Korea. So pleased is he with his newfound freedom that he orders his hundreds of thousands of followers to henceforth celebrate October 4th as Victory of Heaven Day. It should come as no surprise that religious freak Moon uses his Moonie millions to help out his buddies on the American Far Right… people like Richard Nixon and Ollie North and Jerry Falwell, and of course the Bush Crime Family. It's also interesting to note that the Moonies own the Washington Times, as well as the University of Bridgeport.


On this day in 1957, the Soviet Union humiliates the United States by launching Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite, thus proving once and for all that communism is superior to capitalist democracy. Meanwhile, in Canada, the first Avro Arrow rolls out at the Avro Canada plant in Malton, Ontario. It was the most sophisticated jet plane of its day, until a conspiracy killed it…


On this day in 1985, the Free Software Foundation is founded in Massachusetts, USA.


On this day in 1988, US televangelist Jim Bakker of PTL (Praise The Lord or Pass The Loot?) infamy is indicted for fraud. He would go on to spend many years in jail, and shed many tears on TV.


On this day in 1993, in Moscow, tanks bombard the White House, a government building that housed the Russian parliament, while demonstrators against President Boris Yeltsin rally outside.


On this day in 2004, SpaceShipOne wins Ansari X Prize for private spaceflight, by being the first private craft to fly into space.

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