Sunday, February 9, 2025


 On this day in 474Zeno is crowned co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire.


On this day in 1621Gregory XV becomes Pope, the last Pope elected by acclamation.


On this day in 1870, President Ulysses S. Grant signs a joint resolution of Congress establishing the U.S. Weather Bureau.


On this day in 1895William G. Morgan creates a game called mintonette, which soon comes to be referred to as volleyball. The name of whoever it is that came up with the idea that the game should be played by hot chicks in bikinis is lost to the ages.


On this day in 1913, a group of meteors is visible across much of the eastern seaboard of North and South America, leading astronomers to conclude the source had been a small, short-lived natural satellite of the Earth.


On this day in 1926, the government of Atlanta, Georgia forbids the teaching of evolutionary theory in its schools. We've come a long way, baby! 


On this day in 1950, Senator Joe McCarthy alleges the State Department is riddled with Reds. Three years later on this day, Allen Dulles ascends to the directorship of the CIA. Six years after that, The Coasters's Charlie Brown peaks at #2 on the Billboard charts. And that, in a nutshell, was America in the 1950's.


On this day in 1964The Beatles make their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, performing before a "record-busting" audience of 73 million viewers.


On this day in 1965, the first United States combat troops are sent to South Vietnam.

On this day in 1987, President Reagan's former national security adviser Robert McFarlane attempts suicide. Unlike with Vince Foster, speculative theories about the reasons why remain a completely underground phenomenon.


On this day in 2001, one of the first scandals of Preznit Dubya’s occupancy of the White House occurs when the American submarine USS Greeneville strikes and sinks the Ehime-Maru, a Japanese fishing vessel that was essentially a floating High School. Nine students and crew members perished in the crash. Making matters worse, this all apparently happened after the sub was being piloted by Bush Crime Family bankrollers (Republican donors). Anyway, it sure was a hell of a mess.

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